All the Things-Greatest Day of Our Lives
It has been a rollercoaster of a week.
We started rehearsals for Whose F*** Is It Anyways? The Remount at the Wiggle Room next Thursday. It's great to be playing with the Plaid Thursday boys again. A huge departure from the serious and focused dramatic work we have been doing for the last month on CONTEMPORARY KNIGHTS.
On Monday, I found out that I will be going to the Pacific Northwest to mentor young female writers at the end of the month. This opportunity has also made it possible for me to attend my grandmother's 85th birthday party in San Francisco.
Last week, we had small but mighty houses at CK, which included a lot of working theater artists, reviewers, META jury members, and artistic directors of local theater companies. One of the ADs sent me a personal message on Facebook earlier in the week asking if I had an LGBT script in my back pocket. Unbeknownst to him, HONESTLY, OK had just had its World Premiere at The Hollywood Fringe Festival.
In a whirlwind of email attachments and Facebook messages, HONESTLY, OK was accepted into The Harvest Festival at The Mainline Theatre in Montreal.
As we are closing CONTEMPORARY KNIGHTS, we are beginning to explore and build an HONESTLY, OK team.
I hope to complete casting, have scripts in hand and schedules locked down before I leave for Seattle. A steady stream of submissions have begun to come in since I posted the casting breakdown last night at midnight.
This is all very exciting and unexpected, which seems to always be the nature of my industry. I am thrilled to be working with enthusiastic young people and help them develop their craft.